Houses at Parliament Campaign

At the 2021 Census, 30,660 Victorians were without a home (including 6,800 children) – that’s 27 per cent of Australia’s total (112,494).
The Victorian Homelessness Network (VHN) is raising awareness about the urgent need for more social and public housing. There are 57,000 households on the social housing waitlist TODAY and the numbers are growing every week. So, we are asking the State and Federal Governments to construct a pipeline of at least 6,000 new properties a year.
You helped us fold over 6000 origami houses. We displayed these houses at Parliament House on 2nd August, for Homelessness Week, to highlight the urgent need for Governments to fix the housing crisis and end homelessness. This part of the campaign was a great success.
Campaign Asks
We are asking that State and Federal Governments commit to:
- Building a steady ongoing pipeline of at least 6,000 new social houses in Victoria per year
- Creating a National plan to END homelessness.
What can you do?
- Download the A4 Flyer including instructions
- Download the Campaign Kit
- Download and display a Poster at your workplace and ask others to be involved
- Make a display and invite your local MP to see it. Click here to see what others have done
- Download this poster to display with your houses
- Take a photo of you and your house/s to post on social media
- Download social media Tiles / email signatures / web banners and use the hashtags below
- #HousesAtParliament
- #HW2023
- #HousingEndsHomelessness
- #ItsTimeToEndHomelessness