Homelessness Agencies & Peak Bodies

Housing Vic
This website is the source of information for current public housing renters, potential social housing renters and anyone wanting to know about housing in Victoria.
Victorian Council of Social Services
VCOSS is the peak body for Victoria's social and community sector, and Victoria’s premier social advocacy body. It works towards a Victoria free from poverty and disadvantage, where all people and communities are supported to thrive.

Council to Homeless Persons (CHP)
The Council to Homeless Persons is the peak body representing organisations and individuals in Victoria with a commitment to ending homelessness.
Homelessness Australia
Homelessness Australia is the national peak body for homelessness in Australia. It provides systemic advocacy for the homelessness sector.

Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA)
CHIA is the peak industry body for the Australian community housing industry which provides one in five of Australia’s social housing properties, complementing public housing.
Tenants Victoria
Tenants Victoria provides information, advice and legal representation to promote and protect the rights of Victorians who rent their home. It aims to both help individual renters and work for social change to improve conditions for all tenants.

Statewide Children’s Resource Program
The Statewide Children’s Resource Program is funded by the Department of Families Fairness and Housing to assist, support, and resource homelessness and other non government services to respond more effectively to the needs of children who have experienced homelessness and/or family violence.

Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV)
Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV) is an Aboriginal community organisation responsible for managing over 1,500 rental properties for Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria. It is the largest Aboriginal Registered Housing Agency in Australia
AHV's housing services are targeted to those most in need of support. Through the provision of secure housing by an Aboriginal landlord, AHV helps strengthen and maintain Aboriginal communities and cultural ties

The Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework
Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort (Every Aboriginal Personal Has a Home)
Aboriginal Housing Victoria is the lead agency for Victoria’s Aboriginal housing and homelessness policy. AHV has dual roles to hold the Government to account in securing the resources and reforms to implement the policy, while supporting sector development to empower Victoria’s Aboriginal community to determine its chosen housing future.

Homes Victoria
Homes Victoria works across government, industry and the social housing sector to deliver the Big Housing Build and to manage existing social housing in Victoria. We have a bold vision to transform the social housing system by delivering the largest-ever investment in social and affordable housing in Victoria’s history.

Homes Victoria - Big Housing Build
A $5.3 billion investment by the Andrews Government to build thousands of new homes for Victorians in need and creating tens of thousands of jobs to support Victoria's recovery.
See how much of the BHB has been spent in your Local Government Area (LGA)
What’s happening in my area | Homes Victoria

Victorian Housing Register
The Victorian Housing Register is where you can register for social housing in Victoria. You can apply for both public and community housing at the same time.

Foyer Foundation
Youth Foyers are integrated learning and accommodation settings for young people, typically aged 16 – 24 years, who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
The Foyer Foundation manages and works to improve the quality standards of Foyers that operate in Australia.
The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute is a national not-for-profit independent network organisation that funds, conducts, disseminates, and tailors research on housing, homelessness, cities and urban policy.